Monday dawned with total uncertainty as to where Mel was going to go. If you recall, he ended up coming with me to Ogden, to stay with me at Dax’ house in their son Kalebs room, where we were sleeping on a couple of twin mattresses. Mel had made some phone calls to old friends in Utah, but as of yet, none had offered him a solid place to land, while he looked for a job in the Provo area, where he felt he should go.
The latest plan was for me to take Mel to Provo, so I could leave for Kimberly Idaho later that day, to settle in at Josh and Becky’s, and prepare for my meeting on Wednesday with the manager of the Canyon Creek Conference Center. At that interview, I planned to propose assisting them with bringing group business to their facility, similiar to what I have done for over 30 years in the Hotel biz. I was anxious to get started in seeking work, and find out exactly where the Lord wanted me to go. I had faith that He would show me, but also understood that it is up to me to do my part too.... I know that Faith proceeds the Miracle, but it involves effort too!
I packed up my car with Mel’s stuff, including his newly repaired bicycle, (which I had had fixed at a local bike shop, figuring he had to have some kind of transportation other than walking) on the back of my car, and drove to Provo, with the intention of dropping him at a prospective apartment, or with friends, or at a hotel; anywhere that would allow us to split up and continue our separate journeys. I expressed my concern to Mel about where he thought he should go, but he never panicked, but was certain things would work out for him... he is a man of great faith!
However, I guess the Lord had other plans once again. The apartment Mel had expected to rent that day, fell through, and by 5pm, we were heading back to Ogden for another (final?) night with Dax and his family. Looking back, I realize now that had I not brought Mel back, I would not have had time with Sylvia the next day, which proved critical in the advance of our relationship.
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