Now its Tuesday (October 6), and it is crunch time for me to hit the road for a 3 hour drive to Kimberly Idaho, and to move in with the Olsens, prior to that first job “interview” on Wednesday morning.
If you knew anything about my friend Dax, you would agree that he is one of the kindest, most willing to serve, human beings ever, and he proved it again, by volunteering to take Mel in his truck to Provo, so he could stay a couple days with his friend Hannah, and look for a more permanent place, and for a job. We said our goodbyes, I wished Mel luck, and told him I would keep in touch, and away they went.
This allowed me to pack up my car, again, with all my worldly possessions, and hit the road to Idaho…after what was supposed to be a “brief” stop to say goodbye to Sylvia, at her cousins place in Ogden. It didn’t turn out quite as “brief” as expected, as we met downtown for lunch, picked up talking where we had left off on Sunday, then continued the conversation in her cousins kitchen a few hours later.
As I was telling her a story about my Dad, and how he used to dance with my mother in our kitchen, she suddenly stopped me, and said that she had just had a “slap on the head”, a lightning bolt of an "impression", that completely changed her mind about me; that spoke to her heart and said that “maybe there is something here with this guy”.
Up until that time, she figured, as I had, that she would come out west, enjoy the LDS Singles scene, check out all the prospective dating partners over the next few months and see where things led. Being a Latter Day Saint Single, limits the “dating pool” if you plan to date only those of your faith, and in Michigan that “pool” seems to be just a very small pond.
However, in Utah, and Idaho, there are thousands of singles of our faith, so by moving out here, our “prospects” had just increased by a huge percentage..... So why limit our choices?
We have both learned over the years, much about "spiritual discernment" and how to recognize the impressions of the Holy Spirit, when it speaks to our hearts and minds. Considering the impression I received on Sunday, and the one she was now feeling, we determined that we both needed to ponder and pray specifically about these feelings and impressions, to determine "exactly" what we were to conclude from them.
We decided to talk on the phone each night over the next week, while I was in Idaho, and she was up in Cardston Alberta, visiting her mother. That way we could get to know one another better, and determine where this relationship was going.
So off I went to Kimberly, Idaho, and the next step on my journey!
If you knew anything about my friend Dax, you would agree that he is one of the kindest, most willing to serve, human beings ever, and he proved it again, by volunteering to take Mel in his truck to Provo, so he could stay a couple days with his friend Hannah, and look for a more permanent place, and for a job. We said our goodbyes, I wished Mel luck, and told him I would keep in touch, and away they went.
This allowed me to pack up my car, again, with all my worldly possessions, and hit the road to Idaho…after what was supposed to be a “brief” stop to say goodbye to Sylvia, at her cousins place in Ogden. It didn’t turn out quite as “brief” as expected, as we met downtown for lunch, picked up talking where we had left off on Sunday, then continued the conversation in her cousins kitchen a few hours later.
As I was telling her a story about my Dad, and how he used to dance with my mother in our kitchen, she suddenly stopped me, and said that she had just had a “slap on the head”, a lightning bolt of an "impression", that completely changed her mind about me; that spoke to her heart and said that “maybe there is something here with this guy”.
Up until that time, she figured, as I had, that she would come out west, enjoy the LDS Singles scene, check out all the prospective dating partners over the next few months and see where things led. Being a Latter Day Saint Single, limits the “dating pool” if you plan to date only those of your faith, and in Michigan that “pool” seems to be just a very small pond.
However, in Utah, and Idaho, there are thousands of singles of our faith, so by moving out here, our “prospects” had just increased by a huge percentage..... So why limit our choices?
We have both learned over the years, much about "spiritual discernment" and how to recognize the impressions of the Holy Spirit, when it speaks to our hearts and minds. Considering the impression I received on Sunday, and the one she was now feeling, we determined that we both needed to ponder and pray specifically about these feelings and impressions, to determine "exactly" what we were to conclude from them.
We decided to talk on the phone each night over the next week, while I was in Idaho, and she was up in Cardston Alberta, visiting her mother. That way we could get to know one another better, and determine where this relationship was going.
So off I went to Kimberly, Idaho, and the next step on my journey!
It was fun to read your new blog, Bill. I hope everything works out! Good luck with your job interview in Idaho- They would be crazy not to hire you!