During the summer of 2009, I felt impressed to reconnect with some key people from my past, including the LDS missionary who I first met in the summer of 1994. With todays technology, I figured I could find Dax Gurr, since his name was unique, so I did a search, and sure enough, I found him in Utah, now married to Jennifer, with 4 great kids.
I also reconnected with Becky and Josh Olsen, in Idaho. Becky and I had worked together at the Stouffer hotel in Battle Creek, and she had been baptized by Josh; in January 1996, I helped move her and her son Tyler to live and work at the Olsen family business, the Miracle Hot Springs in Buhl. A year later, Josh returned from his mission, and courted Becky and they were married in 1997.
I had always vowed after visiting Idaho so many years ago, that someday I would return… but never realized how prophetic those words were…..
I bought a plane ticket to Salt Lake City for the week leading up to Labor Day, and made arrangements to stay with Dax a few days, then go up to Idaho and visit Josh and Becky. I also set up some meetings to meet with friends in the hotel business to discuss what kind of opportunities there were in Utah, just in case I was convinced to get out of Michigan and head west for a new adventure.
Well, Salt Lake was nice, and offered some interesting opportunities, but it just did not “feel” like where I was supposed to go. So, in an effort to gain some spiritual direction, I attended the SLC Temple, and sure enough, while praying and pondering on these things, I felt a strong impression that spoke to my heart and said…..”Idaho”….which was where I was heading in a couple of days to visit the Olsens.
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