*Being LDS, we "covenant" not to live together until marriage, so until we get those plans solidified, we will live separately....
And my dear sweet daughter Keely called from Saginaw Michigan, where she is enjoying the holiday with her mom, and grandparents, and hoping Kyle makes it there safely after getting off work late tonight and driving from Baltimore... be careful boy, heard there were snowstorms in the Midwest..
Here in Idaho it was a beautiful sunny day, temps in the 20's, but in the Canyon, standing in the sun, it felt like 50 wonderful degrees. I went down there with Gary Stone and his friend Gary Harris to feed his horses (see the photo of Licorice and Liberty and the canyon below), and pick some Sage, after listening to some funny stories from their youth.
They were so entertaining, that Bev left the room following breakfast, after asking a bunch of questions, to go write a story. The gist of it was about Gary getting a "wild" horse for Christmas when he was about 8 years old. Gary Harris lived just a couple of doors down, and that morning came out to see what all the fuss was about, and it was Gary's dad delivering the horse. I will let Bev, the professional writer tell the story, and will put it out on the web for all to enjoy.
Suffice it to say, we were in stitches listening to the Gary's tell stories about that wild horse, that they rode all over Burley from the time they were 8, until Gary moved to Twin Falls in 7th grade. The horse was so wild, it took both of the boys yanking on the reins to get it to slow down and stop....one story about them running full speed into a tractor trailer on the Burley highway was enough for a chapter in the Stones Biography (or Screenplay!) that I promise I am going to write someday!
If it were a scene in a movie it would have everyone doubled over in laughter! Hilarious!
Upon speaking with Syl, she said she also had a kind of a "nostalgic" morning too, as she and her mom looked at old photos, and talked about the people in the photos, and her family history.
Being Christmas Eve, its a little sad being alone (except for Syl's dog Mindi the Bichon, my little companion), and listening to all that sweet Holiday music triggers memories of family gatherings, and "home"from both my youth in Trenton, and when raising our kids in Battle Creek Michigan.
But, Idaho truly is my new "home", as I KNOW that I was led here by inspiration from above, and I am greatful to be here, and thankful for my friends, especially Bev and Gary Stone, who are having me over for their family Christmas Dinner.
Aside from that, life feels good, and I hope and pray for all of my family and friends that they will be impressed to remember the REAL reason for the Holiday, and that is the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father's son, who lives and loves all of us! May God Bless all of you now, and throughout the coming year.... your friend, Bill
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