The mural at the Magic Valley Airport continues to grow KMVT Twin Falls, ID News, Weather and Sports Video
Here is a video interview with Gary Stone from earlier this year describing his creation of the Veterans Mural.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Relationship Ends....

Christmas can be a sad enough time when you don't have family and old friends, or loved ones around, but it is doubly difficult when a special relationship comes to a close on THAT day.
Before Sylvia left for Canada a couple weeks ago to take care of her mother, she had been having feelings that perhaps our partnership was not going to last, that her anxiety over money was having an adverse affect on her feelings towards me and our potential for marriage. She had been having "negative spiritual impressions" about our relationship, and was praying for an answer about "us". ... Alas, she got her answer, and it was a firm negative about marriage to me.
Sad thing is, I had also been praying that I would receive confirmation about us, and had been "wrestling" with God about the same issue. I would ask for an answer, and become distressed, and then feel that perhaps it just was not right for us to be a couple... although I did not like that answer, when Sylvia and I spoke on the phone on Christmas night, we both knew that it was the proper conclusion....but a very sad one none the less....
So, here I am in Twin Falls, in my house, watching her dog, with her clothes and things here, awaiting her return so she can pack up (again) and move somewhere else, so she can start her temp Hygientist job in mid January... what a wierd way to break up!
Oh well... life goes on, and I do KNOW that the Lord has a plan, just gotta follow His Will....
Thanks for tuning in... more hopefully uplifting stories coming your way soon!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Eve to all...

*Being LDS, we "covenant" not to live together until marriage, so until we get those plans solidified, we will live separately....
And my dear sweet daughter Keely called from Saginaw Michigan, where she is enjoying the holiday with her mom, and grandparents, and hoping Kyle makes it there safely after getting off work late tonight and driving from Baltimore... be careful boy, heard there were snowstorms in the Midwest..
Here in Idaho it was a beautiful sunny day, temps in the 20's, but in the Canyon, standing in the sun, it felt like 50 wonderful degrees. I went down there with Gary Stone and his friend Gary Harris to feed his horses (see the photo of Licorice and Liberty and the canyon below), and pick some Sage, after listening to some funny stories from their youth.
They were so entertaining, that Bev left the room following breakfast, after asking a bunch of questions, to go write a story. The gist of it was about Gary getting a "wild" horse for Christmas when he was about 8 years old. Gary Harris lived just a couple of doors down, and that morning came out to see what all the fuss was about, and it was Gary's dad delivering the horse. I will let Bev, the professional writer tell the story, and will put it out on the web for all to enjoy.
Suffice it to say, we were in stitches listening to the Gary's tell stories about that wild horse, that they rode all over Burley from the time they were 8, until Gary moved to Twin Falls in 7th grade. The horse was so wild, it took both of the boys yanking on the reins to get it to slow down and story about them running full speed into a tractor trailer on the Burley highway was enough for a chapter in the Stones Biography (or Screenplay!) that I promise I am going to write someday!
If it were a scene in a movie it would have everyone doubled over in laughter! Hilarious!
Upon speaking with Syl, she said she also had a kind of a "nostalgic" morning too, as she and her mom looked at old photos, and talked about the people in the photos, and her family history.
Being Christmas Eve, its a little sad being alone (except for Syl's dog Mindi the Bichon, my little companion), and listening to all that sweet Holiday music triggers memories of family gatherings, and "home"from both my youth in Trenton, and when raising our kids in Battle Creek Michigan.
But, Idaho truly is my new "home", as I KNOW that I was led here by inspiration from above, and I am greatful to be here, and thankful for my friends, especially Bev and Gary Stone, who are having me over for their family Christmas Dinner.
Aside from that, life feels good, and I hope and pray for all of my family and friends that they will be impressed to remember the REAL reason for the Holiday, and that is the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father's son, who lives and loves all of us! May God Bless all of you now, and throughout the coming year.... your friend, Bill
"Stones would play, inside my head"...remember the Neil Diamond song?

Ever had one of those nights when a million things are running through your head, and you just had to get up and write things down? Well, its 2am in Twin Falls Idaho, and my brain is jumping with things to say, so here we go...
This seems to be the norm, since I moved out here to Idaho in early October, and met Bev and Gary Stone. Bev has named me the "whirling dervish", cause it seems like I am constantly spinning around spouting ideas that come to me as they tell me more of their life story...
These 2 amazing people were "celebrities" of sorts, not just here in the Magic Valley, but throughout Idaho.... and the Pacific Northwest.... and in Washington DC... and even in China!
Did you know that Gary's Mural at the Magic Valley Airport in Twin Falls was featured as the backdrop for the Chinese National Television DAILY broadcasts back in the year 2000?
Yep.... it was, and there is an interesting story behind how that happened.... more later....
And did you know that Bruce Willis and Demi Moore (when they were still together), knew the Stones? and that Bruce owns Soldier Mountain ski resort north of Twin Falls?
And that the Amazing Kreskin (oldtimers will remember him from Johnny Carsons Tonight show) at his show in Jackpot Nevada, said that someone in the audience had "powers" like him, and he picked Bev out of the crowd! She was there to cover his show for the local newspaper, and met him after the show, and according to Gary, they communicated with hardly saying a word to each other.... the Amazing One still sends the Stones a Christmas card each year.
Speaking of Amazing.... someone DID start to write a book about their incredible life adventures over 25 years ago, and spent a couple of weeks with them taking notes, went to Vegas to cover the very 1st World Series of Poker for a periodical, stepped off a curb and got hit by a car and killed! I sure hope that doesnt spell bad Karma for me, as after spending the past 2 months with Bev and Gary, I KNOW that I could write a book!
But life has changed a ton since the early 1990's when they were at the "pinnacle" of their "fame" so to speak, following the publication of their book, "Stone by Stone on the Oregon Trail". At that time, Gary's paintings that were the basis for the book, were placed on display in the Senate Rotunda in Washington DC... he was the ONLY LIVING ARTIST to have been given that honor!
Since then, the Internet has taken over as THE means for transmitting information and the Stones "gathered some moss" so to speak, as they never got onto the Information Highway. They did try, and had a website for awhile, but in their words, they "got ripped off" by some "shady characters" who took a lot of their money and ran.
The more I hear about their "affairs" and learn that they have not been paid for much of their work on their Oregon Trail books, the Historical centers they have helped create, and other projects that they have created, the more determined I am to help them!
You dear readers, will be amazed at the things I have discovered about Bev and Gary Stone. They were once called "living treasures" by the Governor and other leaders here in Idaho, because of their wealth of knowledge about the History of the Pioneers who traveled west and settled this wilderness just over 100 years ago. And the things they have found in the Canyon!
Bev and Gary own land in the lower Snake River Canyon, of which Gary is fond of saying, is less known about than the Mayan Culture! After all, it has only been settled for just over 150 years by white man, but there is an incredible history (and artifacts to prove it) that certainly pre dates those settlers.
And that is another story in and of itself, which we are being cautious about telling, as Gary firmly believes that it is his responsibility to protect and preserve the land where the Ancient Americans lived hundreds of years ago, and also where the Chinese mined for gold not that long ago.... all of which we intend to "show the world" at some point... more on that later too!
So, if you have read this far, you still know only the tip of the Stones "iceberg".. if I were a movie producer, I would want to make a movie of their life story; somebody would need to write the screenplay... i could help outline it, but it would still take me months just to do that...
but I will try to convey to you in future stories, the scope of their work as Writers, Artists, Historians, Story tellers, Ranchers, Inventors, Tourism promoters, Guides, Cowboys, Courtroom lawyers, Rights advocates, and just plain good ole' folk!
There is plenty more to tell... they had a 10 year legal battle with Idaho Power over the Canyon, and access rights, etc.... How about the Murder trial where Bev defended her cousin? Gary has inventions he is working on for natural shelters, and wind turbines.... and he continues to win awards for his work on the Veterans Mural at the Airport. And people over in China want to buy his amazing Woodcut art of Western Scenes... he has been cranking out scenes of Wild Horses painted on Saw Blades... it is truly amazing and beautiful artwork!
Please tell your friends about Bev and Gary Stone, and invite them to visit our website ( , which will be updated after the Holidays to show more of Gary's Art and also how to find Bev's wonderful and entertaining short stories on Amazon (another project I am working on).....
Until then, thanks for tuning in, and helping me to tell the world (again!) about Bev and Gary Stone and their accomplishments! Your friend... Billy Bob Knopp
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Back Home in Idaho with Bev & Gary Stone

Whew... after a 26 hour drive back to Michigan with my buddy Mel on Thanksgiving and Friday, a short 12 hour visit with my kids Keely & Kyle and a nice Holiday dinner with my sisters and their families on Saturday, and a return trip of 27 hours to Utah, + 3 more to Idaho, I am finally back home in Kimberly, semi-moved in to "our" house with Sylvia!
And I am back to work promoting the literary and artistic works of Bev & Gary Stone, seen here at Norms Diner in Twin Falls. We have so much to share with the world, including Bev's "Secret of Santa Claus" and "Santa + Martha" books, her wonderfully entertaining short stories, and her interesting perspective on Pacific Northwest History. Gary continues to create his unique "Wood cut Art", paints on his Twin Falls mural at the airport, and his new Idaho Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Mural, and always has other artistic creations in the work.
In addition, we are close to launching their "Stone by Stone" TV show in January, which will be a "Discovery" type show that features the many interesting facets of their life time journeys.
And we are promoting their works at a special Benefit Event on Thursday December 17th at the Twin Falls Airport.... whew! So much to do, so little time....
Please visit us at: Thanks, Bill
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