On Saturday, historian Bev Stone and I visited the Stricker Ranch and met with caretaker Gary Guy and my friends Glen Thorne and Aureila Galvin. We enjoyed hearing stories from both Bev & Gary about the history of the Oregon TRail Pioneers, and got a sneak preview of the new Interpretive Center soon to open there.
Mark Baltes and wife Julie were there to work on the project, which has some great old time photos and stories of the critical role that the Rock Creek Station and STricker Ranch played in
the history of the Magic Valley.
Glen baked one of his famous apple pies and shared it with us on the front lawn of the Ranch, which is a beautiful place for picnics, and of course, one of our stops on the Fright Night Tours.
Funny that Glen should choose Apple Pie, as one of the stories on the tour features Lady Bluebeard, who poisoned her husbands with her "secret ingredients" baked into her Apple pies! Gladly, Glen left that out of his pie, and we thoroughly enjoyed it, with no after affects!
Thanks for the cameo, lol. You made my pie look better than it really was. It was fun hanging out with ya.