Friday, January 29, 2010

Duck (Tour) Hunting!

Ever been on a "Ride the Ducks" tour? Well, it is my dream to buy the DUK (a military amphibious vehicle) pictured here, which is ready and available for purchase.

Ten years ago, a consulting group was hired by the Twin Falls Chamber and they recommended this very thing, along with a historical tour of the Snake River Canyon. Having no prior knowledge of the plan, I took one look at the Perrine Bridge, the Base Jumpers, the tourists and the lack of boat tours on the river, and said RIDE THE DUCKS is what is needed here!

I am putting together investors to partner in buying the Duck, I have an outfitter lined up to manage the tours, I am getting my CDL so I can drive the Duck, we just need the funds to BUY the Duck! So, if you know of anyone who enjoys investing their money in a fun cause, and will get a good return on their investment, let me know and I will send them my prospectus!
This is a sure winner, as there are lots of people here in Twin who are very excited about the tours, and are waiting to sign up for the tours. Thanks for tuning in.... Bill

Friday, January 15, 2010

In the Studio with Artist Gary Stone

Went into the STudio with Gary Stone, and he demonstrates his technique for making his paintings have depth, or a 3D look... more excerpts to follow if people show interest!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year & a New beginning

Time for reflection and review of the past year, and resolve to do better in the next...

I always look back through my journal from the past year, to review my thoughts and ponder upon the things I did, and the changes I made over the year... WOW... 2009 was certainly a huge year of change for me.

And as I sit here in Idaho, reflecting upon the past few months, I am filled with gratitude for being led here by spiritual inspiration, and for the knowledge that the Lord does have a plan for me being here. Every time that I walk down into the Canyon, I sense the spirit, and hope to share that with anyone that comes to visit here.

I wish for all my friends, family and even you readers I do not yet know, that you will find spiritual and financial prosperity this coming year, and always! God Bless, Bill Knopp